[For some acknowledgments, and an important note, please see this post. See also 1972–1979 (with an explanation), 1980–1985, and 1986-1990]
[Edit: Updated, 6 July – I’d left off the items that are now 1991b and 1993a.]
1991a Teresa of Avila, Outstanding Christian thinkers, London: Geoffrey Chapman / Harrisburg, PA: Morehouse; re-issued London / New York: Continuum, 2000
Books (edited and translated)
1991b (tr. with Brian McNeil, Andrew Louth, John Saward and Oliver Davies) Hans Urs von Balthasar, The Glory of the Lord: A Theological Aesthetics, vol.5: The Realm of Metaphysics in the Modern Age, Edinburgh: T&T Clark / San Francisco: Ignatius
Articles and Lectures
1991c ‘The Filioque and the Immanent Trinity: Some Notes’, paper presented at the International Commission of the Anglican/Orthodox Theological Dialogue, Oxford 1991
1991d ‘Imagining the Kingdom: Some Questions for Anglican Worship Today’, in Kenneth Stevenson and Bryan Spinks (eds) The Identity of Anglican Worship, Harrisburg, Penn: Morehouse Pub, pp.1-13
1991e ‘“Know Thyself”: What Kind of an Injunction?’, paper delivered at Royal Institute of Philosophy Conference, Liverpool; printed in Michael McGhee (ed.) Philosophy, Religion and the Spiritual Life, Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 32, Cambridge: CUP, 1992, pp.211-227
1991f ‘Teaching the Truth’, presented at Affirming Theology conference; reprinted in Jeffrey John (ed.) Living Tradition: Affirming Catholicism in the Anglican Church, London: Darton, Longman and Todd, 1992, pp.29-43
1991g ‘Theological Integrity’, New Blackfriars 72 (March), pp.140-51; adapted in Cross Currents 45.3 (Fall 1995), pp.312-325; reprinted in On Christian Theology, pp.3-15
1991h Review article on Peter Winch, Simone Weil: The Just Balance, Cambridge: CUP, 1989, Philosophical Investigations 14.2 (April), pp.155-171
Dictionary and Encyclopedia Entries
1991i ‘The Bible’, in I. Hazlett(ed.) Early Christianity: Origins and Evolution to AD 600; in Honour of WC Frend, London: SPCK / Nashville: Abingdon Press, pp.81-91
1991j (i) ‘European Theology’ and (ii) ‘Jesus Christ’ in Nicholas Lossky et al. (eds.), Dictionary of the Ecumenical Movement, Geneva: WCC / Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans; see also 2nd edn, 2003
Book Reviews
1991k Review of Hans Küng, The Incarnation of God: An Introduction to Hegel’s Theological Thought as Prolegomena to a Future Christology, New York: Crossroad, 1988, Journal of Theological Studies ns 42.1 (April), pp.403-406
1991l Review of GG Meersseman, Capitules du Diurnal de Saint-Denis: Cod. Verona cap. LXXXVIII Saec IX, Spicilegium Friburgense 30, Fribourg Suisse: Editions Universitaires, 1987, Journal of Theological Studies ns 42.1 (April), pp.370-372
1991m Review of Robert Strèauli, Origenes der Diamantene, Zurich: ABZ, 1987, Journal of Theological Studies ns 42.1 (April), pp.336-337
Articles and Lectures
1992a ‘The Need for a Christian Critique of National Messianism’ [Reply to Z Krakhmal’nikova and S Lezov, pp 7-47], Religion, State & Society 20.1 1992, pp.57-59
1992b ‘The Nicene Heritage’, in James M. Byrne (ed.) Christian Understanding of God Today: Theological Colloquium on the Occasion of the 400th Anniversary of the Foundation of Trinity College, Dublin, (March 1992), Dublin: Columba, 1993, pp.45-48
1992c ‘Saving Time: Thoughts on Practice, Patience and Vision’, New Blackfriars 73.861 (June), p.319-26; reprinted as ‘A Theological Critique of Milbank’ in Robin Gill, Theology and Sociology: A Reader, London: Cassell, 2 nd edn.
1992d Review Article on ‘R P C Hanson’s Search for the Christian Doctrine of God‘, Scottish Journal of Theology 45.1, pp.101-111
Dictionary and Encyclopedia Entries
1992e ‘Methodios von Olympos’ in Theologische Realenzyklopädie, ed G Müller, vol. XXII, Berlin / New York, de Gruyter, pp.680-85
Book Reviews
1992f Review of Edith Wyschogrod, Saints and Postmodernism: Revisioning Moral Philosophy, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1990, Modern Theology 8.3 (July), pp.305-307
Articles and Lectures
1993a ‘“Adult Geometry”: Dangerous Thoughts in R.S. Thomas’ in M. Wynn Thomas (ed.), The Page’s Drift: R.S. Thomas at Eighty, Bridgend: Seren Books
1993b ‘Baptism and the Arian controversy’, in Michel Barnes and Daniel Williams (eds) Arianism after Arius: Essays on the Development of the Fourth-Century Trinitarian Conflict, Edinburgh: T & T Clark, pp.149-180
1993c ‘Catholic and Reformed’, paper presented at Gloucester Cathedral to mark formal launch of Affirming Catholicism in the diocese; abridged version published in Affirming Catholicism journal (Autumn)
1993d ‘Catholic Persons: Images of Holiness: A Dialogue’ (with Philip Sheldrake) in Jeffrey John (ed.)Living the Mystery: Affirming Catholicism and the Future of Anglicanism; Talks and Dialogies from the 2 nd National Conference of Affirming Catholicism, 1993, London: Darton, Longman and Todd, 1994, pp.76-89
1993e ‘Damnosa Haereditas: Pamphilus’ Apology and the Reputation of Origen’, in Hanns Christof Brennecke, Ernst Ludwig Grasmuck and Chritsoph Markschies (eds) Logos: Festschrift Fur Luise Abramowski Zum 8. Juli 1993 (Beihefte Zur Zeitschrift Fur Die Neutestamentliche Wissenschaft, ed. Erich Gräßer, Band 67), Berlin, New York: de Gruyter, pp.151-169
1993f ‘Doctrinal criticism: some questions’, in Sarah Coakley and David A. Pailin (ed.) The Making and Remaking of Christian Doctrine: Essays in Honour of Maurice Wiles, Oxford: Clarendon Press, pp.239-264; reprinted as ‘Maurice Wiles and Doctrinal Criticism’ in Wrestling with Angels, pp.275-299
1993g ‘Hooker: Philosopher, Anglican, Contemporary’, paper presented at a conference marking the completion of the Folger edition; published in Arthur McGrade (ed.) Richard Hooker and the Construction of Christian Community, Medieval and Renaissance Texts and Studies 165, Washington, Tempe, Az: Medieval & Renaissance Texts & Studies, 1997, pp.369-383; reprinted in Anglican Identities, pp.40-56
1993h ‘Inside Herbert’s Afflictions‘, lecture delivered at Trinity College, Cambridge; printed in Anglican Identities, pp.57-72
1993i ‘Macrina’s Deathbed Revisited: Gregory of Nyssa on Mind and Passion’, in Lionel Wickham and Caroline Hammond Bammel (eds) Christian Faith and Greek Philosophy in Late Antiquity: Essays in Tribute to George Christopher Stead, Ely Professor of Divinity, University of Cambridge (1971-1980), in Celebration of his Eightieth Birthday, 9th April 1993, Supplements to Vigiliae Christianae ed. J. den Boeft et al, 19, Leiden: E J Brill, pp.227-246
1993j ‘The Necessary Non-existence of God’, in Richard H. Bell (ed.)Simone Weil’s Philosophy of Culture: Readings towards a Divine Humanity, Cambridge: CUP, pp.52-76; reprinted as ‘Simone Weil and the Necessary Non-existence of God’ in Wrestling with Angels, pp.203-227
1993k ‘Visible Unity’, in Colin Davey (ed)Returning Pilgrims: Insights from British and Irish participants in the Fifth World Faith and Order Conference, Santiago de Compostela, 3-14 August 1993, London: Council of Churches for Britain and Ireland, 1994 pp.12-14
Dictionary and Encyclopedia Entries
1993l ‘Agennesia’ and ‘Arius, Arianismus’ in Walter Kasper (ed.) Lexikon für Theologie und Kirche, vol. 1, Freiburg: Herder, p.230
1993m ‘Eastern Orthodox Theology’ in Alister E. McGrath (ed.), Blackwell Encyclopedia of Modern Christian Thought, Cambridge, MA: Blackwell
Introductions and Forewords
1993n ‘Foreword’ in Jill Evans, Beloved and Chosen: Women of Faith, Norwich: Canterbury
Book Reviews
1993o Review of Aidan Nichols, Theology in the Russian Diaspora: Church, Fathers, Eucharist in Nikolai Afanas’ev, 1893-1966, Cambridge: CUP, 1989, Journal of Theological Studies ns 44 (April), pp.443-446
1993p Review of Tim Vivian, St Peter of Alexandria, Bishop and Matyr, Studies in Antiquity and Christianity, Philadelphia : Fortress Press, 1988, Journal of theological studies 44,.1 (April), p. 352-55
1994a Open to Judgement: Sermons and Addresses, London: Darton, Longman & Todd; American edition: A Ray of Darkness: Sermons and Reflections, Cambridge, Mass: Cowley Publications, 1995
Books (booklets and pamphlets)
1994b Mission and Christology, J C Jones Memorial Lecture 1994, Brynmawr: Welsh Members Council, Church Mission Society
1994c After Silent Centuries, Oxford: Perpetua Press; all poems subsequently included in The Poems of Rowan Williams (2002).
Articles and Lectures
1994d ‘“Good for Nothing”? Augustine on Creation’, Augustinian Studies 25, pp.9-24
1994e ‘Heaven and Hell: A Modern Embarrassment’, Epworth Review 21.2 (May), pp.15-20
1994f ‘Reply: Redeeming Sorrows’, paper presented at 15 th annual conference on philosophy of religion, Claremont, February; printed in DZ Phillips (ed.) Religion and Morality, Claremont Studies in the Philosophy of Religion, New York: St Martin’s Press, 1996, pp.132-148; revised version printed as ‘Redeeming Sorrows: Marilyn McCord Adams and the Defeat of Evil’ in Wrestling with Angels, pp.255-274
Introductions and Forewords
1994g ‘Foreword’ in Rob Marshall, The Transfiguration of Jesus, London: DLT
Articles and Lectures
1995a ‘Angels Unawares: Heavenly Liturgy and Earthly Theology in Alexandria’, Studia Patristica (Papers presented at the 12 th International Conference on Patristic Studies, Oxford) 30, Leuven: Peeters, 1997, pp.350-363
1995b ‘Between Politics and Metaphysics: Reflections in the Wake of Gillian Rose’, Modern Theology 11 (January), pp.3-22; reprinted in Wrestling with Angels, pp.53-76
1995c ‘Ethik und Rechtfertigung’, in Michael Beintker, Ernstpeter Maurer, Heinrich Stoevesandt and Hans G Ulrich (eds)Rechtfertigung und Erfahrung: für Gerhard Sauter zum 60. Geburtstag, Gütersloh, Germany: Christian Kaiser, 1995, pp.311-327; English version incorporated as sections 1-3 in 1997 ‘Interiority and Epiphany’
1995d ‘Theology and the Churches’, in Robin Gill and Lorna Kendall (eds)Michael Ramsay as Theologian, London: Darton, Longman & Todd, pp.9-28; reprinted in Anglican Identities, pp.87-102
Dictionary and Encyclopedia Entries
1995e ‘Origenes, Origenismus’ in Theologische Realenzyklopädie, ed G Müller, vol. XXV, Berlin / New York, de Gruyter, pp.397-421
1995f ‘Religious Experience in the Era of Reform’, in JL Houlden and Peter Byrne (eds) Companion Encyclopedia of Theology, London, New York: Routledge, pp.576-593 (0415064473)
Introductions and Forewords
1995g ‘Foreword’ in James Alison, Knowing Jesus, New Edition, London: SPCK
1995h ‘Foreword’ in Athanasius, The Coptic Life of Antony, ed. and trans. Tim Vivian, San Francisco: International Scholars Publications
1995i ‘Foreword’ in Henry McAdoo and Kenneth Stevenson, The Mystery of the Eucharist in the Anglican Tradition, Norwich: Canterbury, 1995, pp.
Book Reviews
1995j Review of Aidan Nichols, Scribe of the Kingdom: Essays on Theology and Culture, London: Sheed & Ward, 1994, New Blackfriars 76 (April), pp.203-205
1995k Review of Adrian Thatcher, Liberating Sex: a Christian Sexual Theology, London: SPCK, 1993, Theology 98 (January – February), pp.70-72
1995l ‘Time and Transformation: A Conversation with Rowan Williams’ (interview by Todd Breyfogle), Cross Currents 45.3 (Fall), pp.293-311
Books (booklets and pamphlets)
1996a The Kingdom is Theirs: Five Reflections on the Beatitudes, London: Christian Socialist Movement; reissued 2002
Articles and Lectures
1996b ‘Between the Cherubim: The Empty Tomb and the Empty Throne’, in Gavin D’Costa (ed.) Resurrection Reconsidered, Oxford: Oneworld Pubns, pp.87-101; reprinted in On Christian Theology, pp.183-196
1996c ‘Forbidden Fruit: New Testament Sexual Ethics’; address delivered at Christ’s College, Cambridge; printed in Martyn Percy (ed.), Intimate Affairs: Spirituality and Sexuality in Perspective, London: DLT, pp.21-31
1996d ‘Sacraments of the New Society’, in David Brown and Ann Loades (eds) Christ: The Sacramental Word – Incarnation, Sacrament, and Poetry, London: SPCK, pp.89-102; reprinted in On Christian Theology, pp.209-221
1996e ‘Theological Perspectives’, in Gordon R Dunstan and Peter J Lachmann (eds) Euthanasia: Death, Dying and the Medical Duty (British medical bulletin 52.2), London: Royal Society of Medicine, pp.362-9
Dictionary and Encyclopedia Entries
1996f ‘Church and State’ in Paul Barry Clarke and Andrew Linzey (eds.), Dictionary of Ethics, Theology, and Society, London: Routledge
1996g ‘Jungfrauengeburt’ and ‘Soteriologie’ in Evangelisches Kirchenlexicon – Viertier Band: S – Z, Göttingen: Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht; English versions ‘Virgin Birth’ and ‘Soteriology’ in The Encyclopedia of Christianity 5: Si-Z, Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2008
Introductions and Forewords
1996h ‘ Foreword’ in Tom and Barbara Butler, Just Spirituality in a World of Faiths, London: Mowbray
1996i ‘Foreword’ in Melvyn Matthews, Rediscovering Holiness: The Search for the Sacred Today, London: SPCK
Book Reviews
1996j Review of Sara Maitland, Big-Enough God, New York: Henry Holt, London: Mowbrays, 1995, Theology 99 (January – February), pp.59-60
1996k Review of Elizabeth Stuart, Just Good Friends: Towards a Lesbian and Gay Theology of Relationships, London: Mowbrays, 1995, Theology & Sexuality 4 (March), pp.123-126
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