In odd moments recently, I’ve been tidying up my Rowan Williams bibliography (mostly compiled while writing Difficult Gospel), giving it a bit of a polish before releasing it in public. I’ve had quite a few requests for it over the last couple of years, so I assume there’s some demand. I’ve still got a little bit of work to do on some of the more recent material, but I thought I’d start releasing a preliminary version of the earlier years – just in case someone eagle-eyed spots any problems. So, here’s the first in the series: 1972-1979. One quick caveat: I’m afraid that my posting of this bibliography does not mean that I am in a position to provide copies of any of these items.
Please note that this bibliography is still in draft – and that, in particular, the identifiers (e.g., ‘1987b’) are subject to some alteration as new items are added.
For some acknowledgments, and an important note, please see this post.
[Edit: I’ve done some tidying up; hopefully it’s a little easier to read.]
1972a (ed.) The Gemini Poets: Poems in Aid of the Christian Movement for Peace, Cambridge: The Gemini Press; including eight poems by RW: Lazarus (May 1972); Praying 1, 2 & 3 (Jan 1971); Object in a Folk-Museum (Mar 1972); Counterpoint; Mass of Maundy Thursday (Mar 1972); Song for Advent
Articles and Lectures
1972b ‘The Theology of Personhood: A Study of the Thought of Christos Yannaras’, Sobornost: The Journal of the Fellowship of St Alban and St Sergius 6.6 (Winter), pp.415-30
Book Reviews
1972c Review of Paul Evdokimov, La Connaissance de Dieu selon la Tradition Orientale, Lyon: Xavier Mappus, 1967, Sobornost: The Journal of the Fellowship of St Alban and St Sergius 6.5 (Summer), pp.359-61
1972d Review of Paul Evdokimov, L’Esprit Saint dans la Tradition Orthodoxe, Paris: Editions du Cerf, 1969, Sobornost: The Journal of the Fellowship of St Alban and St Sergius 6.4 (Winter), pp.284-5
Articles and Lectures
1973a ‘Bread in the Wilderness: The Monastic Ideal in Thomas Merton and Paul Evdokimov’ in M. Basil Pennington (ed.) One Yet Two: Monastic Tradition East and West (Papers from an Orthodox-Cistercian Symposium, 1973), Cistercian Studies 29, Kalamazoo, Mich: Cistercian Publications, 1976, pp.452-473
Book Reviews
1973b Review of Methodios G Phougias, Orthodoxy, Roman Catholicism, and Anglicanism, Oxford: OUP, n.d., Downside Review 91 (January), pp.75-76
Articles and Lectures
1974a ‘The Spirit of the Age to Come’, Sobornost: The Journal of the Fellowship of St Alban and St Sergius 6.9 (Summer), pp.613-26
1975a The Theology of Vladimir Nikolaievich Lossky: An Exposition and Critique, University of Oxford doctoral thesis; cf 1980a
Books (edited and trasnslated)
1976a (ed. and tr.) Pierre Pascal, The Religion of the Russian People, London: Mowbrays / Crestwood NY: St Vladimir’s Seminary Press (translation of Civilisatoin Paysanne en Russe II: La Religion du People Russe); includes ‘Translator’s Foreword’, pp.vii-ix
Articles and Lectures
1976b ‘Christian Art and Cultural Pluralism: Reflections on “L’art de l’icone”, by Paul Evdokimov’ [on L’Art de l’Icône: Théologie de la Beauté, Paris: Desclée de Brouwer, 1970, Eastern Churches Review 8.1, pp.38-44
1976c ‘Person and Personality in Christology’, article review of Anthony T. Hanson, Grace and Truth: a Study in the Doctrine of the Incarnation, London: SPCK, 1975, Downside Review 94 (October), pp.253-260
1976d ‘Three Styles of Monastic Reform’ in Benedicta Ward (ed.) The Influence of Saint Bernard: Anglican Essays, Fairacres Publications 66, Oxford: SLG Press, pp.23-40
Sermons and Speeches
1976e ‘To Give and not to Count the Cost: A Sermon Preached at Mirfield in February 1976’, Sobornost: The Journal of the Fellowship of St Alban and St Sergius 7.5 (Summer 1977), pp.401-3
Book Reviews
1976f Review of Ray Sherman Anderson, Historical Transcendence and the Reality of God: A Christological Critique, London: Geoffrey Chapman / Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1975, Downside Review 94 (July), pp.236-239
1976g Review of Hans Urs von Balthasar, Engagement with God, tr. John Halliburton, London: SPCK, 1975, Downside Review 94 (April), pp.153-154
1976h Review of Alain Riou, Le Monde et l’Eglise selon Maxime le Confesseur, Théologie Historique 22, Paris: Beauchesne, 1973, Eastern Churches Review 8.1, pp.92-93
1976i Review of Benedicta Ward, The Wisdom of the Desert Fathers, Fairacres Publications 48, Oxford: SLG Press, 1975, and The Sayings of the Desert Fathers (The Alphabetical Collection), London: Mowbrays, 1975, Sobornost: The Journal of the Fellowship of St Alban and St Sergius 7.3 (Summer), pp.219-20
Articles and Lectures
1977a ‘Eric Gill’, Sobornost: The Journal of the Fellowship of St Alban and St Sergius 7.4 (Winter-Spring), pp.261-9
1977b ‘The Philosophical Structures of Palamism’, Eastern Churches Review 9.1-2, pp.27-44
1977c ‘Poetic and Religious Imagination’, Theology 80 (May), pp.178-187
Newspaper and Magazine Articles
1997d ‘Christmas as a Christian Festival’, letter to The Times, Dec 3, p.15
Articles and Lectures
1978a ‘A Person that Nobody Knows: A Paradoxical Tribute to Thomas Merton’, Cistercian studies 13.4, pp.399-401; reprinted in the Advent 2002 issue of The Merton Journal
1979a The Wound of Knowledge: Christian Spirituality from the New Testament to St John of the Cross, London: Darton, Longman & Todd; American edition: Christian Spirituality: A Theological History from the New Testament to Luther and St John of the Cross, Atlanta: John Knox Press, 1980; re-issued as The Wound of Knowledge: A Ttheological History from the New Testament to Luther and St John of the Cross, Eugene, Oregon: Wipf and Stock, 1998; revised edition: The Wound of Knowledge: Christian Spirituality from the New Testament to St John of the Cross, London: Darton, Longman and Todd, 1990; Cambridge, Mass: Cowley Pubns. 1991
Articles and Lectures
1979b ‘Barth on the Triune God’ in S.W. Sykes (ed.) Karl Barth: Studies of his Theological Method, Oxford: Clarendon; reproduced in Wrestling with Angels, pp.106-149
1979c ‘Mankind, Nation, State’ in Paul Ballard and Huw Jones (eds), This Land and People (Y Wlad A’r Bobl Hyn): A Symposium on Christian and Welsh National Identity, Cardiff: Collegiate Centre of Theology, University College, pp.119-125
Book Reviews
1979d Review of John Meyendorff, Living Tradition: Orthodox Witness in the Contemporary World, Crestwood, NY: St Vladimir’s Seminary Press, 1978, Sobornost n.s. 1.2 (Autumn), pp.87-8
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