Sorry that there has been nothing posted here for a while. Several reasons:
(1) The Department of Lifelong Learning Theology Exam Board at the very end of July. A five-hour meeting with more paperwork before and afterwards than could be stuffed into an industrial shredder.
(2) The moving of the DLL Theology programme to its new home in the Department of Theology.
(3) My move from DLL to the Department of Theology, and handing over the reins of the part-time programme wholly to my colleague David Rhymer.
(4) Scrabbling to finish a couple of writing commitments that should have been dealt with a while ago: a review of three new undergraduate theology textbooks; the Grove booklet version of some lectures on Higher Education; and the editing of Serious Negotiations, a collection of Rowann William’s essays on various modern theologians.
(5) A quick holiday in Brentwood, house-swapping with Hester’s sister Ruth and her family – and visiting from there friends and family in the surrounding area.
(6) An absorbing e-mail conversation with my friend Susannah Ticciati about the metaphysics of the incarnation.
All in all, these things have distracted me from posting. There is more coming soon, though – I promise!
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